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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Koi   1
Kokhpanik   1
Komitas   15
Koms   5
Komsadzagks   2
Komsh   2
Kon   3
Konkeleros   4
Kont   1

2 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
komianos   7
komitas   14
komopolis   18
koms   5
komsajagks   2
komsh   2
kon   3
konkoŁeros   1
konkołeṙos   2

11Asogh1    21:4|done by two brothers called Komsajagks, of whom the eldest, an
11Asogh1    21:5|in the war; and the Komsajagks, having taken possession of the