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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Kwir   1
Kzuin   1
KÕ°arberd   1
Labdon   1
Lacedaemonian   4
Laconian   3
Lamech   6
Lamparis   2
Lamprites   2

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
labours   3
lac   1
lace   2
laced   3
lacedaemonian   1
lacedaemonians   1
lacedemonians   1
laces   1
lack   27

06Khor2    13:19|He destroyed the Lacedemonians, he put the Phocians to
07Seb1    46:67|bastard as heir. Lycurgus the Lacedaemonian laid down laws for the
07Seb1    46:67|laid down laws for the Lacedaemonians: to refrain from fornication, and
09Draskh1    5:28|He destroyed the Lakedaimonians, put to flight the Phokians