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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
breastplate   6
breath   36
breathe   27
breathless   1
breech   4
breed   3
breeze   11
brevity   3
briar   1

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
breathes   1
breathing   11
breathless   1
breaths   1
breeches   4
breed   1
breeders   1
breeding   1
breeze   4

03Buz5    6:9|dressed him in shirt and breeches
03Buz5    6:12|When the breeches and boots were on, they
03Buz5    6:12|thigh, but folds from the breeches descended down over the cutlass
07Seb1    20:10|stripped him, dressed him in breeches, and threw him into the