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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Jewish   32
Jewry   1
Jews   88
Jezebel   4
Jghmar   6
Jnikan   6
Joab   1
Job   16
Joel   2

6 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
jutting   1
juvenal   1
juḷay   1
jłmar   5
jłmay   1
kaaba   1
kaaḷeay   2
kabar   1
kabarak   1

10Tovma1    8:14|dwelt in the castles of Jłmay and Sring, in the province
10Tovma3    2:54|hands are many secure fortresses, Jłmar and Sring, and the castle
10Tovma3    13:31|quickly attacked the fortresses called Jłmar and Sring, seized them, and
10Tovma3    14:13|the castles of Sring and Jłmar. But when he reached there
10Tovma3    25:5|near to the fortresses of Jłmar and Sring. Awshin entrusted the
10Tovma4    4:11|two fortresses of Sring and Jłmar. For he loved him with