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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
darken   11
darkness   88
darling   1
darnel   1
dart   6
dasapet   1
dash   4
dashnak   1
dastakert   19

6 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
darnel   1
daron   1
daronk   1
daroynk   2
dart   4
darts   2
dasapets   1
dashed   4
dashnak   1

03Buz4    51:2|our brows with sword, sabre, dart, and lance tips
05Parp4    61:9|much and letting their eyes dart about behind the veil [...] frequently
07Seb1    11:19|hand, tempered steel lances, with darts, from their powerful bows, strong
07Seb1    50:5|so that they might rapidly dart to and fro over the
09Draskh1    66:12|the firing of their secret darts had not remained unknown to
10Tovma3    1:32|horses shall rush; they shall dart like eagles on their food