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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
excrement   3
excretion   1
exculpate   1
excuse   24
execrable   3
execrate   1
execute   17
execution   112
executor   2

3 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
excuse   16
excused   1
excuses   6
excusing   1
execrable   3
execrating   1
execute   4
executed   13
execution   20

06Khor2    88:5|his power. This lascivious and execrable old man, who dyed his
08Ghev1    14:197|shall I say of the execrable debauchery which you commit with
10Tovma2    6:36|the foul impurity of their execrable sodomistic vices; they followed the