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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
vile   9
vilifier   2
villa   2
village   366
villain   4
villainy   3
vin   1
vindicate   5
vindictive   1

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
village   262
villager   1
villagers   4
villages   99
villain   4
villainy   3
villas   1
vin   5
vincent   1

03Buz4    10:13|take the life of the villain Valens
06Khor3    37:21|his companions, and took the villain prisoner at the edge of
11Asogh1    5:11|by the promises of the villain, did not reach (the lofty
11Asogh1    5:15|thunder cloud (raised) by the villain passes. Subsequently, he again took