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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
animalic   2
animate   5
animosity   8
annal   4
annex   5
annihilate   12
anniversary   3
anno   1
annoint   4

5 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
anjit   6
ankura   1
annals   4
annas   1
annex   1
annexed   4
annihilate   4
annihilated   4
annihilating   2

09Draskh1    4:16|holding Cyrus, he seized and annexed the domains of the Medes
09Draskh1    6:3|it with extensive bastions. Having annexed the city to Armenia, Mithridates
09Draskh1    16:44|He annexed Pontus, whose metropolis is Trebizond
09Draskh1    16:46|whose metropolis is Theodosiopolis, he annexed it to Greater Armenia
09Draskh1    31:14|and setting about to annex many lands, he watched over