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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Arues   1
Aruestan   1
Aruseak   1
Aryan   220
Arznarzn   2
Ascalon   2
Asclepius   1
Ashinot   1
Ashkanaz   2

2 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
aryana   1
aryans   149
arzn   5
arznarziwn   1
arznarzn   1
arzrunik   1
as   4651
ascalon   2
ascend   9

04Yegh1    2:32|Empire, Korduk, Dasn, Tsawde, and Arznarzn, people who were all believers
10Tovma2    2:5|Vindicating himself, Bartsuma came to Arznarziwn and the land of Mokk’