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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
eminence   7
eminent   19
emir   26
emissary   68
emit   3
emnity   2
emolument   1
emotion   5
emperor   664

3 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
emirs   3
emissaries   37
emissariss   1
emissary   30
emit   1
emitted   1
emitting   1
emmanuel   2
emnity   2

09Draskh1    54:30|insidious breath of Amalek, who emitted the wicked envy of the
12Last1    11:28|but were still alive were emitting gurgling sounds in pain. Yet
12Last1    19:5|was anyone left alive to emit even a feeble cry