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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
enquire   2
enquiry   6
enrage   37
enrapture   4
enrich   6
enroll   5
ensconce   2
enshroud   1
ensign   2

6 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
enquired   2
enquiry   6
enraged   37
enraptured   4
enrich   1
enriched   5
enroll   2
enrolled   2
enrolling   1

03Buz4    22:21|loot, incalculable greatness, and were enriched beyond measure
09Draskh1    16:2|offices of devotion and splendidly enriched all the canonical hours of
09Draskh1    22:11|With a beautiful style he enriched the offices and wrote commentaries
09Draskh1    29:8|agarak), and folds (gom), and enriched the pastures with vineyards and
09Draskh1    31:6|access to their land, and enrich your treasury with the riches
09Draskh1    58:6|own families to foreigners and enriched them, whereas they spread their