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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
whether   64
which   2310
whichever   4
while   547
whim   4
whimsical   1
whip   4
whirl   5
whirlpool   1

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
whether   64
which   2310
whichever   4
while   547
whim   3
whims   1
whimsical   1
whip   1
whipped   2

06Khor1    6:4|the times according to his whim, or for some other reason
06Khor3    65:9|to change anything at their whim
09Draskh1    1:4|pride in accord with my whim, but because I recognized the
09Draskh1    52:10|and in accord with their whims, created new payazats and spasalars