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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Massagetean   3
Mastots   1
Matenik   1
Mathusala   3
Mattathias   5
Matthew   6
Maundy   1
Maurianos   3
Maurice   50

5 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
matins   2
matrimony   2
matronly   1
mats   1
mattathias   3
matter   131
matters   94
matthathias   1
matthew   5

03Buz3    11:15|in battle like Juda and Mattathias Maccabaei and their brothers
04Yegh5    2:50|soldiers how the relatives of Mattathias had split away from the
04Yegh5    2:50|from the holy covenanters. But Mattathias and his companions had not
06Khor3    68:15|abandon our ancestral laws, and Matathias does not oppose him. War
09Draskh1    54:52|foresake our Christian faith, while Matthathias is no longer alive to