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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Walid   16
Wallid   5
Wednesday   2
Xerxes   14
Xisuthra   8
Yair   1
Yamanik   8
Yamats   1
Yapetoste   6

8 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
xeni   1
xerxes   14
xesha   1
xeuxippus   1
xisuthra   1
xisutra   5
xladzor   1
xlat   7
xoghmaz   1

06Khor1    4:5|of patriarchs as ten, including Xisut’ra
06Khor1    6:5|but after the voyage of Xisut’ra to Armenia, they are correct
06Khor1    6:7|but after the voyage of Xisut’ra to Armenia, the rulers of
06Khor1    6:22|There is a book about Xisut’ra and his sons that now
06Khor1    6:23|After Xisut’ra sailed to Armenia and came
09Draskh1    1:24|for example, they call Noah Xisuthra (K’siwsat’ros), and Shem Xerxes (K’serk’ses
10Tovma1    1:8|was the fifth (generation) from Ksisutra
10Tovma1    2:3|closer in time, who warned Ksisutra about the events of the