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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
envy   39
eparch   2
ephemeral   3
ephod   2
epic   5
epilogue   2
episcopacy   6
episcopal   13
episcopate   14

5 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
ephesus   15
ephod   2
ephrathah   1
ephrem   2
epic   2
epics   3
epilogue   2
epipan   6
epiphan   4

03Buz3    13:11|They loved their songs, legends, epic-tales, and were enthusiastic about
06Khor2    48:10|of the Persians and the epic songs of the Armenians bear
09Draskh1    1:1|composing not pompous and imaginary epics, but making known (to us
09Draskh1    2:14|and others who tell allegorical epics
09Draskh1    68:5|ancient narratives make you want epics of certain others with branded