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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
exact   45
exaction   5
exactitude   1
exactor   4
exaggerate   4
exalt   74
exaltation   14
examination   6
examine   37

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
exactly   2
exactness   1
exactor   1
exactors   3
exaggerate   1
exaggerated   1
exaggerating   2
exalt   6
exaltation   14

04Yegh4    1:11|He also exaggerated and told of things the
05Parp4    88:9|only hundreds, I am not exaggerating; and the noble folk of
10Tovma3    16:6|battle, even more did he exaggerate the severity of his feigned
10Tovma4    8:16|modified his account rather than exaggerating it. Indeed, the glorious site