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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
authenticity   2
author   11
authoritative   2
authority   203
authorization   4
authorize   2
autocephalous   1
autocrat   4
autonomy   1

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
author   10
authoritative   2
authorities   4
authority   199
authorization   4
authorized   2
authors   1
autocephalous   1
autocrat   4

01Kor1    16:10|his needs, and obtained unassailable authorization, along with a sacred edict
08Ghev1    14:194|a word about the abominable authorization given you by your legislator
09Draskh1    17:9|wishes. Thus, having received his authorization, Smbat departed and arriving at
09Draskh1    19:22|great patriarch Nerses requested the authorization of the Emperor Constantine and