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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
simony   1
simoon   2
simple   19
simplicity   1
simultaneous   4
sin   196
since   530
sincere   30
sincerity   6

4 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
simple   12
simpler   1
simplicity   1
simply   6
simultaneous   1
simultaneously   3
sin   52
sinai   11
since   530

03Buz3    21:28|over the land of Armenia, simultaneously returning the king’s women, all
03Buz5    31:11|changed women ten times. And simultaneously they all turned to impiety
08Ghev1    38:3|Simultaneously the emperor issued an order
10Tovma4    4:6|prince of Vaspurakan, saw the simultaneous activity of these two plotters