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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Andzit   7
Anebay   1
Anebis   2
Anetsi   1
Angegh   8
Angeghtun   4
Anggh   10
Anhisheli   1
Anhush   8

8 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
aneestors   1
aner   1
anetsi   1
anew   3
angegh   8
angeghatun   1
angeghtun   2
angel   45
angelic   28

02Agat3    14:2|first, the prince of Angegh tun; second, the prince of
02Agat3    28:4|prince of the House of Angegh, the coronant aspet, the great
03Buz4    24:9|besieged the secure fortress of Angegh which is in Angeghtun district
03Buz5    7:6|loyal to the treasures of Angegh fortress, and all the royal
03Buz5    7:7|eunuch, Drastamat, the prince of Angegh tun had been taken captive
03Buz5    18:0|Regarding Angegh tun
03Buz5    18:1|also struck many people in Angegh tun and put them to
05Parp3    33:7|and to the prince of Angegh tun, to Cop’k’, Hashteank’, Ekegheac’