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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
Philip   16
Philippians   1
Philippikos   1
Philistine   1
Philo   5
Phinehas   1
Phlegonios   1
Phocas   34
Phocian   2

5 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
philippe   1
philippians   1
philips   1
philistines   1
philo   5
philosopher   12
philosophers   7
philosophical   3
philosophically   1

10Tovma1    1:30|Philo of Alexandria teaches this about
10Tovma1    1:42|is translated asdrinking.” This Philo of Alexandria, the philosopher and
10Tovma1    1:68|Now Philo says that out of respect
10Tovma1    1:73|would repeat the account of Philo, that noble man and very
10Tovma1    1:74|Explanation of the Hebrew Names Philo says that Sem took the