Table of Contents  |  Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  About
Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
extract   8
extradition   1
extraordinary   12
extreme   90
extricate   9
exuberance   1
exult   3
exultation   3
eye   285

9 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
extreme   21
extremely   65
extremes   2
extremity   2
extricate   5
extricated   3
extricating   1
exuberance   1
exult   2

04Yegh2    11:275|further ways how they might extricate themselves and their loved ones
04Yegh3    9:220|they might be able to extricate their brothers from their tribulation
07Seb1    11:12|did your fathers rebel and extricate themselves from their service, fighting
07Seb1    12:4|of my kingdom I shall extricate from them with their own
07Seb1    20:5|and sought a way to extricate themselves from service to the
08Ghev1    12:7|could find some means of extricating himself from them
08Ghev1    39:8|with his entire House and extricated the Ishmaelite troops from the
10Tovma3    20:36|were carried out, and they extricated him from his captivity, leaving
10Tovma3    24:1|son of Derenik, unfettered, having extricated him from bonds and prison