Table of Contents  |  Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  About
Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
ordinary   16
ordination   22
ore   1
organ   1
organization   11
organize   87
origin   26
original   37
originate   3

11 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
ordunis   1
ore   1
organised   2
organising   2
organization   11
organize   9
organized   71
organizing   3
organs   1

03Buz3    21:13|their camp and prepared their organization. The Byzantines came and attacked
03Buz4    15:17|night with all of his organization, to reach the royal banak
03Buz5    2:2|prepared, and with the entire organization of his troops, came to
05Parp3    20:6|the cavalry, the discipline and organization of the army which causes
06Khor2    7:1|The organization of the kingdom, how he
06Khor2    7:3|say about the ordering and organization of the houses, families, cities
06Khor2    8:45|of valor and such excellent organization, died in Nisibis after reigning
06Khor3    56:6|the common people, and all organization was thrown into confusion and
11Asogh1    5:15|he again took up the organization of the country and reigned
11Asogh1    20:1|opportunity to deal with) the organization of the country
12Last1    4:2|about the troops, about their organization and preparedness for war