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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
privy   7
prize   9
probability   1
probable   3
problem   15
procedure   4
proceed   44
process   2
procession   1

15 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
prkich   1
probability   1
probable   1
probably   2
problem   10
problems   5
probus   3
procedure   4
proceed   13

01Kor1    5:6|find a solution to the problem
01Kor1    6:1|being occupied with the same problem for many days; he rose
01Kor1    22:8|whatever happened to be the problem, and through the power of
04Yegh3    6:141|a way out of the problem
05Parp2    10:8|and informed him of the problem about which he had been
05Parp3    45:15|The initial cause of the problem arose when the thought which
05Parp4    89:4|the long-standing needs and problems of the matters. Nixor’s emissaries
05Parp4    89:18|and matters will remain (as problems
05Parp4    95:10|all of our words, the problem and boldness of the act
06Khor2    38:3|terrible dreams about the same problem
07Seb1    18:1|peace and he had no problems in Syria from the Persian
08Ghev1    30:2|House, applied themselves (to the problem) with only a few men
09Draskh1    50:17|counsel together concerning their mutual problems, and then he went to
09Draskh1    59:8|a way out of his problems
09Draskh1    63:13|an immediate solution to the problem, and turn their arms ready