Table of Contents  |  Headwords: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  Wordforms: Alphabetical - Frequency  |  About
Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
defile   11
defiled   10
defilement   1
define   3
definite   7
definition   4
deflect   1
deflower   1
deform   3

7 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
defilers   1
defiles   5
defiling   2
defined   3
definite   4
definitely   3
definition   3
definitions   1
deflected   1

01Kor1    16:9|the capital city for a definite period with the same living
03Buz4    15:61|When the king had definitely confirmed and authenticated the circumstances
04Yegh5    8:176|the king’s command had been definitely givenbecause his power had
05Parp3    51:2|glad tidings regarding them were definite, they were strengthened and became
05Parp4    61:7|to describe it, one may definitely say that in their strict
06Khor1    34:18|And I know that this definite name of Biurasp is found
09Draskh1    34:17|dealing, and having set a definite time, asked him to attack