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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
occupation   1
occupy   148
occur   116
occurrence   4
ocean   14
odds   2
odor   6
odored   1
of   31091

14 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
occurrence   1
occurrences   3
occurring   4
occurs   2
ocean   13
oceans   1
ochopentir   2
october   1
odds   2

02Agat3    27:2|the shore of the vast Ocean sea the Mediterranean, and made
03Buz4    6:3|an island in a huge ocean-sea, to a desolate, arid
05Parp2    11:12|Lord as waters cover the ocean, thanks to the spiritual rivers
05Parp4    78:5|Iranian brigade billowing like an ocean—even though they knew that
06Khor1    14:10|seas - the Pontus and the ocean
06Khor2    12:6|the two seas, filled the ocean with the multitude of his
06Khor3    40:15|Thule), an island in the Ocean. He had reigned for four
09Draskh1    5:30|the west and filled the ocean with numerous boats to sail
09Draskh1    13:10|of Thule (T’ulis) in the Ocean and crowned the two sons
10Tovma1    11:8|to the islands of the Ocean where he died, having reigned
12Last1    11:2|However, He Who limited the ocean, saying: “Thus far shall you
12Last1    18:17|breezes, or rippling like the ocean’s waves
12Last1    19:1|find no way out, like ocean waves, surging back and forth
12Last1    25:19|headquarters by the shores of Ocean Sea (? Caspian Sea) and to