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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
announce   20
announcement   2
annoy   12
annoyance   1
annual   11
annul   1
anoint   18
anointment   1
anong   1

10 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
announcing   3
annoyance   1
annoyed   10
annoying   2
annual   10
annually   1
annulled   1
anoint   1
anointed   14

03Buz3    12:27|On one of the annual feast days, king Tiran and
08Ghev1    4:500|dahekan annual tax on the land of
08Ghev1    28:9|that point the Armenian troops’ annual stipend of silver, which until
09Draskh1    15:3|had been obscured and the annual feasts had lost (their former
09Draskh1    16:26|with a calendar of the annual feasts in the Armenian language
09Draskh1    20:15|other nations so that the annual feasts or the times of
09Draskh1    21:17|if to give them their annual wages. Then, depriving them of
09Draskh1    25:65|as a pilgrim to the annual feast of the great martyr
09Draskh1    54:53|deprived and silent of her annual feasts. Also the flocks of
09Draskh1    66:65|and relieve them of their annual taxes