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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
channel   2
chant   8
chaos   2
chapel   46
chapter   26
char   1
character   18
characteristic   3
charcoal   1

26 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
chants   2
chaos   2
chapel   31
chapels   15
chapter   16
chapters   10
character   14
characteristic   2
characteristics   1

03Buz3    21:34|part consisting of twenty-one chapters of the stories of Pawstos
04Yegh1    1:0|CHAPTER ONE - The Time
04Yegh2    1:0|CHAPTER TWO - The Course of Events
04Yegh3    1:0|CHAPTER THREE - Concerning the Unity of
04Yegh4    1:0|CHAPTER FOUR - Concerning the Secession of
04Yegh5    1:0|CHAPTER FIVE - For a Second Time
04Yegh6    1:0|CHAPTER SIX - In Which the Virtue
04Yegh7    1:0|CHAPTER SEVEN - Again Concerning the Same
05Parp2    17:39|God, explained according to each chapter, and verse by verse, regarding
06Khor1    5:47|for he says in one chapter as follows: “At the beginning
06Khor1    22:11|just as in the earlier chapters above we blamed the unscholarly
06Khor1    24:1|Aḷdznik’; and in the same chapter, that the house of Angḷ
06Khor2    7:2|This is an important chapter, full of reliable history and
06Khor2    8:5|in one of the previous chapters
06Khor2    10:6|will find in book I, chapter thirteen, that he bears witness
06Khor2    59:2|have divided them into many chapters lest our readers be wearied
06Khor2    59:2|of the account. This last chapter has the purpose of recording
06Khor2    59:3|we recorded in the preceding chapters, the order and good customs
06Khor2    90:3|creed and the twenty canonical chapters of the council and met
06Khor2    90:4|delighted and added a few chapters of his own to the
06Khor3    61:6|of Ephesus in six canonical chapters, and accurate copies of the
08Ghev1    5:0|The following chapter concerns the reign of Ashot
08Ghev1    6:0|This chapter concerns the battle which occurred
09Draskh1    9:4|bringing with him the twenty chapters of the canons of Nicaea
09Draskh1    9:4|this, Saint Grigor added other chapters for the protection of the
11Asogh1    2:9|Proverbs of Solomon, on the [38th] chapter of Job ("Who hide this