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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
egoist   1
egress   1
eight   71
eighteen   12
eighty   6
either   96
eject   2
elaborate   9
elaboration   1

6 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
eight   52
eighteen   8
eighteenth   4
eighth   19
eighty   6
either   96
eject   2
ekegheac   9
ekegheats   9

06Khor1    24:3|Senek’erim has fallen into oblivion. Eighty years, more or less, before
06Khor2    76:8|his brother Florian was killed eighty-eight days later in Tarsus
08Ghev1    8:23|except for two hundred and eighty men who fled into a
09Draskh1    21:16|At this time, after the eighty-fifth year of their era
10Tovma1    1:15|other down to T’onos Konkołeṙos. Eighty-eight years later Senek’erim succeeded
10Tovma1    1:77|for [350] years down to the eighty-third year of Eber, demonstrating