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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
fanciful   1
fancy   2
fantastic   5
far   324
farewell   24
farm   11
farmland   1
fashion   171
fast   81

24 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
fantastic   3
fantastically   2
far   247
fared   1
farewell   24
farmer   1
farmlands   1
farms   10
farther   7

01Kor1    17:1|And then he bid farewell to them in order to
02Agat3    28:22|the blessed kat’oghikos receiving the farewell from the Church and the
04Yegh1    2:35|But they bade farewell to their lands, not as
05Parp3    28:4|suited each one. After saying farewell, each one hastened to his
05Parp3    28:7|Then they went to bid farewell to king Yazkert and to
05Parp3    28:17|and Aghbania (Aghuania) had said farewell, taking the divisions of the
05Parp3    28:18|Bidding one another farewell, each went to his own
05Parp3    34:2|of men with him, said farewell to Vasak, the prince of
05Parp3    53:8|so joyfully biding each other farewell, they derided them internally, thinking
05Parp3    54:11|entreated Vehdenshapuh to bid him farewell. Thereby hoping to put off
05Parp4    64:37|with joyous splendor (Giwt) said farewell to go to the land
05Parp4    65:20|Bidding farewell to the court, Vahan came
05Parp4    66:22|Christ, they bade each other farewell, and each went to his
05Parp4    68:10|Then (the troops) bade farewell to aspet Sahak, the marzpan
05Parp4    88:23|Nixor Vshnaspdat, they bid him farewell and dispatched him to Armenia
05Parp4    90:2|Vahan Mamikonean bid them all farewell and sent them in peace
05Parp4    90:14|without delay. Then, biding them farewell, he dispatched them affectionately
05Parp4    93:4|a great dinner, and bidding farewell to Nixor, they went to
05Parp4    94:4|Bidding each other farewell, they went in peace, Nixor
05Parp4    96:7|of Armenia, came to say farewell to Vagharsh, king of the
05Parp4    97:0|King Vagharsh said farewell to the sparapet of Armenia
09Draskh1    34:2|endowed and he was bidden farewell, whereafter he departed from there
09Draskh1    36:3|Then Shapuh bid farewell to his son-in-law
09Draskh1    40:17|After this, Yusuf bid farewell to the king and retired