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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
graceful   9
gracious   27
grade   1
gradual   26
grain   19
grainary   3
grainery   1
grammar   1
grammatical   1

19 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
graciously   5
grading   1
gradual   1
gradually   25
grain   19
grainaries   1
grainary   2
graineries   1
grammar   1

02Agat1    7:62|and you gather mankind like grain in barns [cf. Matt. 3.12; 13.30; Lk. 3.17] in their time
03Buz4    9:6|name would have a single grain of gold or silver left
03Buz4    13:29|in the midst of clean grain, grows together with it and
03Buz4    13:29|plucking out the weed the grain is not also pulled out
03Buz4    13:30|as the grain is temporarily nourished by the
03Buz4    13:31|time when the harvest of grain is reaped and gathered into
03Buz4    13:32|choose. The righteous, like the grain, He will take with Him
03Buz4    13:33|weeded the tares from the grain, and prematurely gathered them without
03Buz4    13:33|prematurely gathered them without the grain. And so prematurely the fire
03Buz5    20:2|did not permit even a grain to be taken from the
05Parp3    36:5|is winnowing and grading the grain placing it in the heavenly
05Parp3    36:6|us be like the cleaned grain, and let us await the
05Parp4    70:4|his threshing-floor. Cleaning the grain, he puts it in the
05Parp4    70:5|whoever wishes to be the grain, will give himself to God’s
09Draskh1    44:4|sufficient amount of the symbolic grain as a precaution against the
12Last1    16:6|the threshing-floors filled with grain, nor the cisterns full of
12Last1    18:8|taking away all the accumulated grain, on the backs of oxen
12Last1    22:10|goodly householder, the sower of grain, reposed, when the enemy, finding
12Last1    22:10|way, sowed weeds among the grain, as in the parable in