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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
edification   3
edifice   10
edition   2
editor   1
educate   22
education   6
efface   5
effect   59
effective   6

22 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
edifice   10
edition   2
editors   1
edom   1
educate   1
educated   18
educating   3
education   5
educational   1

01Kor1    10:2|of many generations, intelligible, eloquent, educated, and informed of godly wisdom
01Kor1    12:1|learning, so as to instruct, educate, and train for preaching illiterate
01Kor1    14:3|and instructed as a teacher, educated and advised them so well
01Kor1    16:14|blessed one resumed his teaching, educating those who had been gathered
02Agat1    3:7|went and was nourished and educated by a certain count, who
02Agat1    3:8|Byzantine areas, was nourished and educated in the city of Caesarea
02Agat3    11:5|among them and all were educated in piety, very great signs
02Agat3    22:1|assembled for the purpose of educating these savage and wild natives
03Buz4    3:6|he had been nourished and educated in the city of Cappadocia
03Buz4    56:13|sufferer, the opportunity to be educated and to study with your
05Parp1    3:2|doubts that someone having been educated among the Byzantines would say
05Parp1    4:5|P’arpec’i. I was nourished and educated by the virtuous cleric, the
05Parp2    10:5|more the expenses (involved in educating) the clerics of the land
06Khor3    16:3|called Nersēs. He was being educated in Caesarea and at that
06Khor3    47:2|and had been raised and educated under Nersēs the Great, and
07Seb1    46:41|St Grigorios was raised and educated, who indeed ordained him to
07Seb1    46:47|true Catholicos Gregory, raised and educated in Caesarea of Cappadocia, taught
09Draskh1    16:25|and had been nourished and educated in the holy patriarchate
09Draskh1    18:7|son who was not well educated, to carry out the undertaking
09Draskh1    23:9|had been brought up and educated in the holy patriarchate and
09Draskh1    23:24|for after being nourished and educated in the same patriarchate, he
10Tovma3    26:16|patriarchal throne. He had been educated and had studied at the