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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
unjealous   1
unjust   40
unkind   1
unknowingly   2
unknown   18
unlawful   1
unlearned   2
unleash   2
unleavened   2

18 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
unjust   27
unjustly   13
unkindly   1
unknowingly   2
unknown   18
unlawful   1
unlearned   2
unleashed   1
unleashing   1

03Buz6    8:4|pack animal. He encountered an unknown lay youth mounted on a
05Parp2    6:7|with mental anguish through the unknown turns of my lifebe
05Parp3    48:11|should be taken to an unknown place very far from the
05Parp4    68:16|shen and to go through unknown places and streets in groups
05Parp4    82:7|thinking to hide in an unknown area by a branch of
06Khor1    27:6|that I was in an unknown land near to a mountain
06Khor3    20:6|Furthermore, the paralytics were neglected, unknown travelers were not received, and
08Ghev1    13:7|have been falsified by people unknown to you. How, indeed, are
08Ghev1    14:89|down before Adam, a fact unknown to the Holy Scriptures. Adam
08Ghev1    14:158|more visible and glorious, remains unknown to you
09Draskh1    66:12|secret darts had not remained unknown to me, and their clandestine
10Tovma1    3:19|a camelherder. Persecuted in an unknown land and being found there
10Tovma1    3:20|Where do you say that unknown land was?” And they note
10Tovma1    3:21|that it was the foreign unknown land
10Tovma1    3:23|the circumstances of the wonderful unknown tree, which in one day
12Last1    9:13|man similar to him appeared, unknown by anyone, destitute and homeless
12Last1    11:16|who had entered their city, unknown to anyone, insignificantthat everyone
12Last1    17:29|the heavenly messengers. Be not unknown to Him, that He not