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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
exemplar   2
exemplary   1
exemple   1
exempt   6
exercise   27
exerement   1
exert   10
exhalt   1
exhaust   26

27 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
exemplary   1
exemplified   1
exempt   5
exempted   1
exercise   11
exercised   10
exercises   2
exercising   3
exerement   1

01Kor1    4:5|pupils in the same evangelical exercise
01Kor1    5:3|the blessed one at once exercising the art of evangelism, with
03Buz6    10:1|them. Through this clowning he exercised the greed for which he
04Yegh7    7:173|had drilled them in disciplined exercise, and had taught them to
05Parp3    20:3|the mighty authority which he exercised in the period of his
05Parp4    72:3|the case of Vard, God) excercised even more powers than (in
06Khor2    79:2|willing pupil of other military exercises. And then according to the
06Khor2    92:27|For he exercises no effort concerning what he
07Seb1    34:9|the emperor Maurice, and having exercised command over a long time
07Seb1    42:24|his son Constantine swear to exercise (mercy) on all the transgressors
07Seb1    44:12|crowned himself he might thus exercise his military command. He increased
07Seb1    47:9|the Thracian princes; and Manuēl exercised in Constantinople the function of
08Ghev1    1:0|Faithful. Muhammad (Mahmet) [ca. 570-632] died after exercising power for twenty years. In
08Ghev1    14:108|the future domination He will exercise over the pagans
08Ghev1    14:182|habit worthy of a pagan, exercise such cruelties towards the faithful
08Ghev1    14:211|means rather than by the exercise of force, in drawing you
10Tovma1    4:2|death of Zradasht he then exercised sole rule over all eastern
10Tovma1    4:5|and on her return she exercised sole rule over Persia. In
10Tovma3    14:10|Gurgēn, Ashot’s brother, returned to exercise sole control over his principality
10Tovma3    14:19|race of Ismael which still exercised tyrannical control, and (because) the
10Tovma3    15:13|But Derenik exercised great ingenuity and caused himself
10Tovma3    18:13|when he became prince); he exercised the dignity of prince for
10Tovma3    18:20|scars cleaned away by the exercise of words
10Tovma3    20:26|the patriarch, and the latter exercised great solicitude for him, although
10Tovma3    26:7|was residing at Vantosp and exercising the role of lord in
10Tovma3    29:58|affairs, his willing and meritorious exercise of the office of marzpan
10Tovma4    13:43|he carried to fulfilment the exercise of mortification and chastity, since