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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
weaponless   1
wear   70
weariness   2
wearisome   1
weary   30
weather   9
weave   9
web   3
wed   5

30 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
wearied   11
weariness   2
wearing   32
wearisome   1
weary   18
wearying   1
weather   9
weave   1
web   2

03Buz3    10:3|who were with him became weary and thirsty
03Buz4    50:1|after this both sides grew weary, defeated, forsaken, and exhausted
03Buz5    24:9|Who give rest to the weary and Who fulfills all goodness
04Yegh2    13:313|great joy they were never wearied by the length of the
04Yegh3    3:61|but their necks were not wearied. The plunderers of their possessions
04Yegh3    10:234|of these facts, but continuously wearied my ears by speaking all
04Yegh9    1:22|affliction they would have become weary of their bitter existence
05Parp3    57:34|styleXuzhik,” as I am wearying of it) related (events) one
05Parp4    92:5|God that you did not weary me to respond to your
05Parp4    100:27|Come, all you who are weary and who, as we said
06Khor2    59:2|chapters lest our readers be wearied by the length of the
06Khor2    92:31|discourse cease, as I am weary of speaking to the ears
06Khor3    42:3|alive, nonetheless the generals were weary and exhausted from the effort
07Seb1    11:23|evening, and both sides became weary in the conflict
07Seb1    20:12|and when the bull grew weary in the struggle, he twisted
07Seb1    20:14|Wearied from the struggle, he sat
07Seb1    31:10|Ctesiphon, because his army was weary and exhausted from the battle
07Seb1    38:28|But because his army was weary, he decided to interpose (between
07Seb1    42:14|The others, though wearied from their march, were able
08Ghev1    10:10|in danger, comforter of the weary, give aid to us who
09Draskh1    30:40|searched out iniquity; and have wearied themselves with searching
10Tovma1    4:33|many of his troops became wearied of him and caused him
10Tovma2    3:13|evening until both sides were wearied in the great battle. So
10Tovma3    10:40|an order not to grow weary or discouraged, and not to
10Tovma3    25:7|But since their horses were weary from their long journey and
10Tovma3    29:75|The next morning with weary horses they attacked the camp
10Tovma4    4:32|gave repose to all the weary, and placed his hopes not
12Last1    1:16|This was) because they had wearied of him, and were interested
12Last1    11:18|emptied of arrows, they grew weary—but mercy did not find
12Last1    16:32|people). The tyrant’s ears were wearied by the din and he