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Headwords Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
forgive   41
forgiveness   26
fork   4
forlorn   3
form   174
formal   1
formality   1
formation   6
former   144

174 occurrence(s)

Wordforms Alphabetical [ <<  >> ]
forgotten   21
fork   1
forked   3
forlorn   3
form   106
formality   1
format   1
formation   5
formations   1

02Agat1    5:27|and by assuming various deceiving forms persuaded the men who lived
02Agat1    7:15|of the image of our form and I have set him
02Agat1    7:34|and the image and bodily form upon it
02Agat1    7:44|the impure images in human form
02Agat1    7:72|will it is changed in form as your will commanded to
02Agat1    7:98|was humbled and took the form of mankind [cf. Phil. 2.8] and gave yourself
02Agat1    13:27|illumined their souls in angelic form by the virtue of their
02Agat1    15:23|out her arms in the form of a cross. And in
02Agat1    15:24|begotten and beloved Son, and formed the order of the visible
02Agat1    16:21|you changed him into the form of animals and made his
02Agat1    20:9|evening. A man in the form of light came and told
02Agat3    3:2|had been changed into the form of a wallowing pig. For
02Agat3    3:5|And the king, in swinish form, cried out in a loud
02Agat3    3:8|king remained in the same form, though wrapped in garments, in
02Agat3    3:9|had lost his natural human form for that ridiculous appearance, except
02Agat3    4:6|a man descended in the form of light. He called my
02Agat3    4:6|looked up and saw his form, and terror struck I fell
02Agat3    4:16|and divinely constructed in the form of a dome
02Agat3    7:1|still was entirely in the form of a pig, except that
02Agat3    9:4|face returned to its own form and the skin of his
02Agat3    10:6|appeared which had taken the forms of a multitude of cavalry
02Agat3    11:5|for the demons, assuming various forms, fled to the Xaghtiq areas
02Agat3    11:9|It was here, in the form of an army carrying shields
02Agat3    20:3|bright light appeared in the form of a luminous column and
02Agat3    28:12|of his being in the form of an animal
02Agat3    30:1|in order according to the form of Greek literary skill
03Buz3    13:21|nature was raised from the forms of animals, and He became
03Buz3    19:6|the Lord appeared in the form of a bolt of lightning
03Buz3    20:22|things for the sake of form, because of the bitterness and
03Buz4    2:8|brave-hearted renowned champions, well-formed, well-reputed doers of good
03Buz4    5:7|spread the sky in the form of a vault (over it
03Buz4    5:13|by nature had the very form of his father and by
03Buz4    5:13|in the flesh in the form of a servant
03Buz4    5:14|became the master in the form of a servant to save
03Buz4    5:17|of a Virgin in the form of a man, to establish
03Buz4    5:19|for (Christ) has taken human form and renewed everything for himself
03Buz4    6:10|to bear fruit in the form of a ram, and accepted
03Buz4    6:10|send sweet food in the form of dew from above, gave
03Buz4    6:19|island, so that heaps were formed there, as well as a
03Buz4    7:2|the Holy Spirit) in the form of a dove descended and
03Buz5    22:3|good morning, they saw the forms of snakes arising from king
03Buz5    22:4|And everyone constantly saw these forms about him
03Buz5    28:9|the holy virgin, took the form of a servant and became
03Buz5    28:17|a wound on his side, formed from a spear wound, and
03Buz5    44:26|For everyone regarded the well-formed constructive Manuel as a father
04Yegh1    2:31|In this form the edict reached the lands
04Yegh2    6:142|a confused jumble, but the forms of each of their parts
04Yegh2    6:142|and of angels, and the forms of whatever was going to
04Yegh2    6:142|going to be in a form
04Yegh2    9:204|the Godhead knows, he was formed from the immaculate Virgin, was
04Yegh2    10:249|to bring upon you every form of affliction and torture until
04Yegh3    2:40|all sides they gathered there, forming an innumerable multitude
04Yegh3    7:154|with troops, arms, or any form of assistance
04Yegh5    5:101|living God who took the form of a man, but they
04Yegh5    6:138|Forming a solid group, the whole
04Yegh7    2:39|folly and take on false forms in the eyes of ignorant
04Yegh7    7:156|but also to inflict all forms of torments
04Yegh7    9:222|to a gibbet in the form of the cross; and because
04Yegh9    2:30|then on, he began to form an affection for them as
05Parp3    23:0|impious faith in a written form, they realized that this was
05Parp3    33:1|city of P’aytakaran where he formed a brigade and dispatched it
05Parp3    39:0|was arming and preparing to form into military fronts. The blessed
05Parp3    40:6|granting all of them whatever form of Christianity they wanted
05Parp3    45:15|when the thought which had formed in the head of your
05Parp4    63:5|their target and in good form; at the hunt, they moved
05Parp4    74:3|had that same appearance and form
05Parp4    80:2|whatever they needed. Thus he formed a brigade from the many
05Parp4    89:16|in a written and sealed form, call us and we will
05Parp4    100:0|Through many forms and various demonstrations did our
06Khor1    6:4|such materials existed in this form in the royal libraries or
06Khor1    11:18|the other troops behind him, forming them into a triangle. Thus
06Khor1    12:11|streams, which came together to form gentle rivers
06Khor1    15:8|when the battle line was formed, she ordered her generals that
06Khor1    16:21|no one knows how she formed such wonderful constructions
06Khor1    27:8|birth to three heroes, fully formed in stature and form
06Khor1    27:8|fully formed in stature and form
06Khor2    6:2|land he gave a prettier form, reducing the mountainous and tropical
06Khor2    8:18|them with his nails, and form them into tablet shapes, and
06Khor2    12:2|to leave a stone to form a cairn as an indication
06Khor2    42:5|the northern side its curved form truly imitated the arching brows
06Khor2    57:4|they are personable and well formed and worthily resplendent in all
06Khor2    74:4|Similarly he promised the form and splendor of royalty, half
06Khor2    86:14|out a light in the form of a cross, the same
06Khor2    92:1|including a reproach in the form of a lament
06Khor3    47:5|the demons fled in bodily form to Media
06Khor3    67:14|like a ray in the form of a dim cross over
07Seb1    16:7|them all to unity, and formed various contingents
07Seb1    18:2|of elite stature; to be formed into battalions and that, equipped
07Seb1    32:11|Persian army came up and formed their opposing line near to
07Seb1    42:10|gathered and united together; they formed a large army. Following that
07Seb1    44:8|west, the beast in human form, which is that of the
07Seb1    46:29|in an immutable union. One form was begotten, God and man
07Seb1    50:19|unable to come out or form any plans. They divided the
08Ghev1    1:2|The Arabs began to form brigades and mass troops against
08Ghev1    1:8|Coming quickly, altogether they formed a mighty army which went
08Ghev1    13:3|which was composed in the form of various questions. Below, briefly
08Ghev1    14:69|take place among you, who form one single people speaking a
08Ghev1    14:92|seeing himself adored in the form of the idols of paganism
08Ghev1    14:96|the Word in a human form: “The Lord your God will
08Ghev1    14:126|yond human semblance, and his form beyond that of the sons
08Ghev1    14:127|dry ground; he had no form or comeliness that we should
08Ghev1    14:184|clean and holy having the form of a living being
08Ghev1    14:191|you there sometimes in the form of serpents, and sometimes they
08Ghev1    24:1|of Ishmael adhered to him, forming a large army, which then
08Ghev1    34:67|to the enemy in human form. They also confirmed that they
08Ghev1    38:5|are near the city and form swamps all around it. Thus
09Draskh1    1:24|forefathers’ names in a different form from oursfor example, they
09Draskh1    22:10|accidental predicates, both those that form a unity and those that
09Draskh1    25:3|other azat lords. Then, Sawada formed a plan either to snare
09Draskh1    27:4|comprehensively the truth in final form, or to give briefly a
09Draskh1    27:7|engaged in beneficient acts, and forming close friendships with everyone through
09Draskh1    30:51|Certainly, they respected only the form, as (one would use) a
10Tovma1    1:42|He begat according to his form and according to his image
10Tovma1    2:13|language of mankind into various forms. Only one person retained his
10Tovma1    3:21|like soft felt, in the form of a very bright white
10Tovma1    3:24|not only strange and incomprehensible forms and types of plants but
10Tovma1    3:40|created is from matter and form; what is made from matter
10Tovma1    11:2|himself to impurity and all forms of vice which it is
10Tovma1    11:49|by a light in the form of a cross, a crowd
10Tovma1    11:49|that time sparapet of Armenia, formed the cortège and laid (his
10Tovma2    2:24|Forming a solid mass like a
10Tovma2    4:15|Jews joined with the Ismaelites, forming a large army. Attacking P’aṙan
10Tovma2    4:56|been given us in various forms, perhaps because of the troubled
10Tovma2    6:2|camped with all his troops. Forming ranks, he drew out his
10Tovma2    6:43|Immediately gathering an army and forming a force of elite cavalry
10Tovma2    7:11|For footwear they use a form of boot made from goatskin
10Tovma3    1:4|of a body until the form of the living man, that
10Tovma3    2:19|beautiful but brief and unadorned form one by one the proofs
10Tovma3    2:39|of the abdomen in the form of a shield, indicating the
10Tovma3    2:46|abandon the plans he had formed, disengage the warfare, and soothe
10Tovma3    2:55|his response also in the form of a letter. Confirming it
10Tovma3    3:1|were in bonds, he (Bugha) formed a detachment of soldiers and
10Tovma3    4:38|marshal the (Armenian) forces, to form line, and prepare for battle
10Tovma3    4:41|stood gathered in one spot, forming a solid compact mass, a
10Tovma3    4:44|own force to prepare, to form ranks and a line against
10Tovma3    6:16|you. You would gather troops, form cavalry, provoke battles and wars
10Tovma3    6:35|thrice wretched soul. Satan had formed him into a tool useful
10Tovma3    6:56|dwelt among beasts in human form, in the company of ferocious
10Tovma3    9:2|But the general (Bugha) was forming his own destructive and ruinous
10Tovma3    10:30|go out to battle. They formed ranks and filled the line
10Tovma3    10:30|flapping flags and standards. They formed in their groups companies of
10Tovma3    10:45|hundred thousand, and they had formed ranks and drawn up their
10Tovma3    10:45|rock of adamant; his troops formed a solid massas it
10Tovma3    11:14|ready to submit to every form of torture that the master
10Tovma3    11:34|He formed companies of armed soldiers, accoutred
10Tovma3    12:2|Estranged from each other, they formed armies from among those who
10Tovma3    13:35|hastily mounted his horse. They formed line and filled out the
10Tovma3    14:24|a handsome person in the form of a grey-haired man
10Tovma3    20:28|the gathering of troops, the forming of cavalry, the giving of
10Tovma3    20:29|would have been unbecoming to form an army and prepare for
10Tovma3    23:7|massed cavalry, armed and prepared, formed ranks in martial opposition and
10Tovma3    29:17|holy angels appeared in visible form; in terror at their sight
10Tovma3    29:50|built up the hillock that formed the fortified encampment of the
10Tovma3    29:54|Prince Gagik had formed a navigable route over the
10Tovma3    29:78|the province of Vararat. They formed an enormous army in the
10Tovma4    7:10|gates he designed in the form of vaults to provide air
10Tovma4    8:4|great king astonishingly succeeded in forming a stone embankment raised five
10Tovma4    8:11|to its summit, took the form of a bird in flight
10Tovma4    9:4|building of the holy church, forming (with them) a temple of
10Tovma4    9:7|wild beasts and serpents, whose forms reproduced their kinds with the
10Tovma4    12:5|appearance to onlookers of angelic form
11Asogh1    7:30|in his arms in the form of a beggar. Once he
11Asogh1    10:2|of its light in the form of a spear extended west
11Asogh1    16:2|him a dog in the form of tribute. The city stood
11Asogh1    17:9|wide granite wall in the form of a square, spending a
11Asogh1    26:4|appeared in a more elegant form than before
11Asogh1    29:5|and a dome in the form of a heavenly vault. She
11Asogh1    37:5|to the Bagrewand district and formed a huge camp in the
12Last1    16:12|and rise, causing streams to form in the snow, inundating the
12Last1    18:6|of these beasts in human form froze. Now when they drew
12Last1    18:13|they quit the emperor’s presence, formed an alliance, went overseas and
12Last1    21:3|dyed with our blood. Tumors formed all over their bodies. Our
12Last1    25:7|and valor, they might have formed one great army, capable of
12Last1    26:1|our beloved brothers, in written form and to explain the obvious